About the Piedmont Foundation

Established to hold and manage special funds in support of The Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC), the Piedmont Foundation assures PEC’s capacity to respond to key opportunities and challenges as they arise and to fulfill its core mission over the long term.
A separate 509(a)(3) charitable organization governed by an eight-member Board, the Piedmont Foundation accepts gifts of cash, securities, property, and appreciated assets. The Foundation also offers opportunities for tax advantaged planned gifts including trusts, bequests and life income plans. If you are interested in becoming a donor to the Piedmont Foundation, please contact Nora Seilheimer at 434-977-2033 x. 7008 or at nseilheimer@pecva.org.

The Piedmont Foundation manages funds in the following categories:

  • Core Mission Endowment
  • Conservation Stewardship Fund
  • Legal Defense Fund
  • Education and Outreach Fund
  • Piedmont Memorial Overlook Fund
  • Land Conservation Fund, with regional funds that include:
    • Albemarle County Land Conservation Fund
    • Bull Run Mountains Land Conservation Fund
    • Clarke County Land Conservation Fund
    • Culpeper County Land Conservation Fund
    • Greene County Land Conservation Fund
    • James M. Rowley Goose Creek Land Conservation Fund
    • Julian Scheer Fauquier Land Conservation Fund
    • Krebser Fund for Rappahannock County Conservation
    • Madison County Land Conservation Fund
    • Orange County Land Conservation Fund
Please reach out to Elizabeth DiGiulian at edigiulian@piedmontfoundation.org or Leigh Ross at lross@piedmontfoundation.org if you have any questions.

Board of Directors

Mark Ohrstrom, President
Trevor Potter, Vice President
Charles Akre, Secretary-Treasurer
John Birdsall III
Chris McLean
Diana Prince
David Aldrich*
* Ex-Officio
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